Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ted Talks: Ken Kamler, Medical miracle on Everest

In this ted talks, a man and his climbing team set off to endure the harsh weather conditions of climbing mount Everest. Being the only doctor on the team ken kamler stays alert 24/7 for any medical problems that need to be seen.  As the days go by the conditions get worse. Until that day came where a strong willed man has to make that call to his wife and kids saying his last words. Stuck in the extreme conditions Beck a team member collapses in the snow and waits today, for 36 hours. After that you would only expect such a person to die. But in his case he didn’t. Thinking only about his wife and kids his motivation rises. And for himself he gets up and makes his way slowly down the mountain to camp 3. Reaching the medical tent finally, everyone knows he is only one of the few that are lucky to be alive. He endured some of the worst frostbites, and wounds. But still managed to crack a few jokes in the tent. This goes to show how strong the brain is and how powerful it is on the human life.

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