Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Winter Fitness: Safety Tips for Exercising Outdoors

Winter Fitness: Safety Tips for Exercising Outdoors

Rating ****

  The article “Winter fitness: Safety tips for exercising outdoors” is a resourceful article which describes how to stay safe and warm while enjoying the brisk winter weather.
  Participating in outdoor activities during the winter is an excellent was to take advantage of the cooler weather conditions. However, many often make the discouraging mistake of not dressing warm enough for the colder temperatures. Fortunately, this article gives helpful tips on how to avoid these problems by being prepared for the colder weather. Such tips include; check the weather conditions in advance, dress in layers and know the signs of cold influenced injuries, such as frostbite.
  Personally I found this article to be quite useful. It offers many handy tips on how to keep warm in cold temperatures. This article has made me aware of other factors which contribute to catching frostbite or hypothermia as well as how to not catch them. I spend a lot of time outside during the winter; therefor this is beneficial to me since I am constantly exposed to these dangers.

Mayo Clinic Staff. Winter Fitness: Safety Tips for Exercising Outdoors. Mayo Clinic. Healthy Lifestyle, Fitness. February 5, 2014. [Online]. Retrieved from: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/fitness/in-depth/fitness/art-20045626

1 comment:

  1. Keeping oneself fit during winter is always a great thing. I would also like to suggest that there are many firms like Iron flower fitness who are providing the service of fitness to everyone.
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