Friday, February 27, 2015

Home Ice

Home Ice
By Leslie Foster
Rating ****

Home Ice is a very interesting and helpful article. It tells about a family that builds a hockey in their backyard and how you could make one. It is very helpful in the sense that it tells you the key components of making an ice rink in your backyard.

This article talks about the story of a young boy, Alex McAteer, who loved to play hockey at the out door rink, but who was never as good as anyone else at the rink. His parents one day found out he had autism. When his father, Rick, found this out he decided that he would build a rink in his backyard so that Alex would feel more comfortable skating. Now the family hosts an annual skating party in the backyard. The father Rick also made instructions on how to build a rink that does not cost very much. It tells you everything you need for building a rink, how you build it, When you should build it, where you should build it and when and how you should flood the ice.

This article affected me because I build a outdoor rink in my backyard almost every year and it will help me make it better for next year. It makes me think about how much time and effort is put in to building and maintaining a rink for the community is. I learned how to make a rink bigger and better and has inspired me to make mine better. I would recommend this article for anyone that is thinking of making a rink in their backyard.  I gave this article a four star rating because it is very helpful and interesting.

Leslie Foster "Home ice" Ottawa Outdoors Winter Issue 1 Feb. 2015: 06. Print.

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