Sunday, January 16, 2011

Unprecedented Rebound of Whitetail Deer Began with Conservation - Pursue the Outdoors

Rating: **
Having grown up in Northern Ontario, I have seen whitetail deer on numerous occasions, but it never ceases to amazing me. It’s always an exciting experience to witness this animal in its natural habitat. For this reason, this article by Pursue the Outdoors caught my attention.
This article, entitled “Unprecedented Rebound of Whitetail Deer Began with Conservation", describes how the settling of North America by the Europeans, and the expansion of population of industry, contribute to the decline of the whitetail deer. Originally estimated at 30 to 50 million, the whitetail deer population became quite scarce until the establishment of hunting seasons and other restrictions. These restrictions were made with the intent of conversation: preventing the whitetail deer from going extinct. In the United States, the fourth Saturday of September is National Hunting and Fishing Day, a day on which the success of hunting conservation is celebrated. Fortunately today, the whitetail deer population has flourished, and it is not uncommon to see one in day to day life.
From a writing perspective, this article was very dry; it contained very little detail and did very little to draw the reader in. Despite my interest in the topic, I found it very difficult to read the article because it was so, for lack of a better word, boring. Content wise, I think the article highlights the importance of wildlife conservation. It points out how heavily our footprint can weigh on nature, and how important it is to lighten this footprint as much as possible. It is a concept that I’ve seen numerous times now in outdoor education. With no trace camping, for example, the goal is to leave the land exactly as you found it. Wildlife conservation’s goal is to affect the wildlife population as little as possible. This concept inspires me to lessen my effect on the environment, both when camping and in day to day life, though practice no trace camping, recycling, and walking to and from work and school.
This article reminds me of the importance of our environment, and that we must be the ones to care for it.
• Pursue the Outdoors. "Unprecedented Rebound of Whitetail Deer Began with Conservation." Pursue The Outdoors - Outdoor Social Network for Hunters, Anglers, and Other Outdoor Enthusiasts. N.p., 4 Dec. 2007. Web. 5 Jan. 2011. .

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