Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Survive: how to survive bear attacks, lightning, leeches, and 18 other nasty things that can happen to you on a trip ****

"Survive: how to survive bear attacks, lightning, leeches, and 18 other nasty things that can happen to you on a trip" by canoeroots staff is just what the title says. This article in Canoeroots magazine is a detailed guide to surviving various situation nature throws at you on a canoe trip.

From critical moose attacks to living without facebook, the writers at canoeroots have made a completely relevant guide that has information for every outdoors'er. Ok so most people can survive just fine without updating their status on facebook, but it adresses the underrated hazard of boredom. The section on axe wounds wasn't fun to think about, but the guide could save a life. Seriously, who knew that there was a bear spray...and that it works. Apparently in 92% of bear encounters bear spray has been known to work.

I reccomend this article to anyone looking for a quick read or getting ready to go on a canoe trip.


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