Saturday, June 4, 2011

Camp Layout-How to Set Up Camp

Rating: **

This article is very helpful if you are going camping and are not sure where to set up everything at your campsite.

First off when you go camping you need to find a good spot for your campsite, look for a spot that is away from the tops of mountains and hills and don’t put it at the lowest ground either, if there’s rain you don’t want your site to be flooded. Find a spot that is close to water for your dishes and that has trees and other things for protection from the sun. There are four main areas at a campsite first your tent area, make sure your tent is above water level and is not set up over top of rocks or bumpy ground, then there’s the cooking area, make sure that area is 30 feet away from your tent and the wind will blow the ashes away from the tent not towards it, there’s the bathroom area which should be at least 200 feet away from your tent and cooking area and 300 meters away from any water source, finally there’s the washing area, having it near a stream or lake is the easiest but if you have soap make sure you wash everything at least feet away from any water source and leave no trace.

This article was interesting to compare to what we learned in class and if on your personal camping trips if you actually followed these guidelines, I found this article dull and I would only recommend reading it if you haven’t already learned these tips. and outdoor living.

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