Friday, September 30, 2011

Close Encounters of the Bear Kind

Close Encounters with the Bear Kind

Danger can be lurking around every corner, and you may not be ready for it.

This story is about a surprising unwanted guest. John Hofstetter went to his cottage one afternoon and walked into what could be stated as a horror movie in the flesh. There was a large black bear about to take on his dog. This article shows that you always need to be prepared because sometimes things can happened that you don't plan for. As things became a run and chase game, it encouraged John to share his story to help educate people on what can happen with wildlife, and moments no one thinks will ever happen to them.

I found this article to be very amusing and entertaining. It shows that you can never be ready for the unexpected because it can show up at any moment. I would recommend this article tp anyone who enjoys reading about rare moments in wildlife stories.

Ford.Ray.'”Close Encounters with the Bear Kind” Cottage Life (October 2011): 73-80. Print

Kelly Brazeau

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