Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Article #2

Sandhill Crane – Dave Taylor

Rating: ****

Sam Cudmore

This article is, like it is named, about the Sandhill Crane. The Sandhill Crane is a western species and is often mistaken by anglers for a Great Blue Heron. The reason for this is that they are similar in size and shape. The way to tell them apart is to see them fly. The Heron flies with it's neck in a “S” shape, where as the Crane flies with it's neck straight out. Also they thrive in the same type of habitat; shallow streams or marshes. In this habitat the Heron will hunt for food such as frogs, fish and small anphibians, where as the Crane has a diet more omnivorous. They feed on insects, aquatic plants, rodents, seeds and berries. The chances of seeing a Sandhill Crane are alot slimmer than hearing one. It is quite easy to tell the difference between the Great Blue Heron and the sandhill Crane if you were to hear both. The Heron has a more throaty “squawk”, where as the Crane has a “Gar-oo-oo” call. When the Crane is sexually ready, it will creat a breeding pair with another Crane. The female will lay two eggs. Typically in egg laying animals, the female will incubate the eggs. In the case of the Sandhill Crane both male and female will incubate the eggs.

This article was a really interesting one. Because of my Grandfather's love of birds, I enjoy going bird watching and being able to identify the many species of birds the I can encounter on something as simple as a walk around the block. For as long as I can remember, he has been teaching me about birds. This article is helpful for me because I know that I will now, thanks to this article, be able to identify a Sandhill Crane if I ever come across one, and I sure hope I do because they look like a spectacular bird to encounter.

Taylor, Dave. Bob Izumi's Real Fishing. Burlington, Ontario. Izumi Outdoors inc. Print. Summer 2010. Volume 16, issue 3.

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