Thursday, November 1, 2012

Spining your way to a Healthier Lifestyle

Author: Sylvie D'Aoust

Rating: 5/5 stars *****

This article I read was about how just spending a simple 45 mineuts can begin a complete lifestyle change. How you ask that a simple 45 mineuts can change your lifestyle is because for any style you live either it be active or not you can change. By spending 45 minuets on a spining you can start that change at your own speed not the same high end speed of other just your own speed. If your wondering what a spining is it is a stationary bike that you use at ant fitness gym in Ontario. Their are many levels you can chose from like R&E (recovery and endurance), SH (strengh and hills), PS (power and speed), and if your fine for the other then try RD-race day. I found that this article can be very helpful to lots of healthier people in the future.

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