Friday, May 17, 2013

Why Peru's Inca Trail Is One of the World's Greatest Hikes

Mark Adams

Rating- ***

This is an interesting and insightful opinion about the hiking experience you can expect to experience in Peru’s mysterious Machu Picchu.

Marc Adams has decided to take no regular hiking trip, but 1 to the mystical Machu Picchu.  In this journey, they see the true beauty and how this differs from any other hiking trip.  The scenery is fantastic.  The trails are described to be steep and complicated.  One of the points reaches an altitude of 13, 700 feet.  Their group would wake up and be on the move no later than 8 a.m 3ach morning.  Machu Picchu is such a big tourist attraction that you must reserve your spot on the trails 1 month before hand, as they only let 500 persons per day travel.

This has affected me as I have just experienced my first hiking trip in Frontenac Provincial Park.  I could relate to a few of the experiences he has been through, but not to the same extent.  Seeing how much I enjoyed this, made me realize that visiting a place such as Machu Picchu is a whole different experience.  In this article, I didn’t really learn much other than the fact that the greatest experience you can have on a hiking trip is at Machu Picchu.  I would like to go on another hiking trip, but not to something as complex or advanced as this.  I would prefer to try a different route in Frontenac.  Reading this wouldn’t really make me change how I comport myself while on a hiking trip.  This article is unique and surprising for an inexperienced hiker like me.


Adams, Mark “Why Peru's Inca Trail Is One of the World's Greatest Hikes” Time Lists, Organization name not given, 24/10/2011, 15/05/13



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