Sunday, January 12, 2014

Game Over


This article is about how a simple game of hide and seek can turn into a dangerous situation.

Dennis Lewon and his family were hiking in the back country and decided to stop and play a game of hide and seek.  When the game was finished all of his kids returned except for his seven year old son.  They searched for him and wondered if he would know what to do if he had to spend the night in the forest all alone.  Luckily their son knew his way back to camp and that was where they found him.  But many people don't expect something bad to happen to them so they are not properly prepared if they are lost or injured.  Hikers need to ask themselves,"Would I know what to do?"  Farther on in this magazine they have created an A to Z encyclopedia of survival know-how to help hikers prepare for anything.

I enjoyed this article because it made me think about whether I would know how to survive if this happened to me.

I would recommend this article and the A to Z encyclopedia to anyone planning a hiking trip to help them be prepared.

Lewon, Dennis.  Game Over.  Backpacker Magazine. October 2013.

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