Saturday, May 24, 2014

Ben Saunders: Why did I ski to the North Pole?

Rating: ****

This Ted Talk sends a powerful message using a story that seems impossible. It is inspiring and proves that anything is possible, despite what others say.

This Ted Talk is Ben Saunders explaining to us his journey to ski to the North Pole, across the arctic. It explains to us how he handled his first attempt which was a failure, and how he still managed to give it another attempt and succeed. Ben Saunders delivers this lesson in a comedic but inspiring attitude that catches his audience’s attention and keeps us engaged.

This Ted Talk has affected me by reminding me that I can choose my own potential. It is up to me to succeed, not by the help/approval of others. This article does not necessarily make me think of anything, but it does surprise me that a solo man completed a quest that is 10 times more dangerous than climbing Mount Everest. I did not learn too much in this Ted Talk, but I was very interested throughout. It inspires me because it reminds me that only I can push myself to reach my true potential and that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. This will not necessarily change my behavior, but will reflect on how much effort I put into my daily life.

Overall, this Ted Talk is very motivational and remarkable. Ben Saunders uses his own personal experiences to connect with his audience effectively.


Ben Saunders: Why did I ski to the North Pole?. Ted. February 2005. Web. 24 May 2014.

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