Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Winter camping: How to build an igloo-Chantal Macartney
Rating: ****

This article is short but important on how to build a proper shelter in the winter. It starts off by informing the readers on the difference between an igloo and a quinzhee. The both are similar as but have very evident features.

After explaining the differences between the two winter shelters, it goes in to the steps of building a proper and safe igloo. It starts off by saying what materials you will need and how big to build it given your circumstance. After this step, it informs you on the different temperatures you may face, and how to accurately build it given the temperature. The last step is making sure that you are aware of the possible situations that may occur and that you should start by simply going into the backyard and building one there. Lastly the article finishes off by saying what you should be aware of when building an igloo.

I found this article very helpful because I am very interested in the different ways you can build shelters according to the weather. I think that quinzhee’s are a little easier to build but maybe one day I will build an igloo as well!

Source: Ottawa outdoors, winter 2004/2005, www.OttawaOutdoors.ca

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