Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Report #1
Lace up those hiking boots tight for these scary hikes. Oh, and don’t look down-Stephen Regenold
Dawson Kennedy-Panarella

            Lace up those hiking boots tight for these scary hikes. Oh, and don’t look down is an article about scary hikes.

This peace is written in a narrator’s point of view. This article talks about scary places that you can hike in the world. The 3 ones they talk about are Chinas Mount Huashan, Kalalau trail in Kauai and Pacific Ocean waters in Canada. On the Mount Huashan they talk about a reporter who was climbing the mounting and was looking down and thinking about how if he misses his next step he will be dead. On the Kalalau trail they talk about how the trail is only 11 miles long but still there are many risks like flash floods and loose rocks along the trail. Finally on Pacific Ocean waters in Canada they talk about how the trail is 48 miles long and that they are many dangers on the trail such as wolves, bears and cougars. The trail was created for shipwrecked victims to be found a lot quicker.

This article has opened my eyes in showing me how dangerous and beautiful this world can be. It has showed me that you need to be prepared for anything before you go on a serious hike to one of these 3 beautiful places on this planet.
I recommend this article to anyone who is seeking to go on scary hikes.

Regenold, Stephen. "Lace up those hiking boots tight for these scary hikes. Oh, and don’t look down" July 2012. Travel and Leisure. 08/10/14 <>.

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