Monday, December 27, 2010


Rating: ***

This article was about ATVs and how maybe the people that drive them are not so bad.

When some trip mates got stuck at a fishing lodge as it rained for three days straight and then turned to snow, preventing the bush plane from picking them up, they had to start looking for alternate ways out. They all had families and jobs to get back to which meant they would have to do it; they would have to take ATVs back to civilization. ATVs: the devil’s own bush buggy, the arch nemesis of canoeing. They emit more greenhouse gases then any car on the road; they pollute the air with noise and tear up the ground.

Luckily it worked. They made it home, realizing along the way that although ATVs can be a menace to wilderness areas so can canoeists trying to squeeze in wilderness adventures between strictly scheduled bush plan fights. They got to know the ATV drivers and found that both guides love the wilderness and would be dedicated to preserving it long after the canoeist had left.

I enjoyed this article as it showed both sides.

I would recommend this article to any canoeist that hates ATVs, at least take a second look.

Callan, Kevin. “Sympathy for the Devil” Canoeroots. Summer/Fall 2009. Print.

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