Thursday, January 13, 2011

Zombie Survival guides


The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead  

Max Brooks

Yes you look at the title Zombie Survival guide and think why this is relevant to the course I can tell you it is relevant because it is about survival.

When reading the book it tells you what you should do incase a the Zombies Apocalypse were to happen I read in the book you must go to a place that is sealed easily, you can get food, water, and a safe area when I was reading it I thought that Wal-Mart would be the best place to go, Because you can get food, water and what ever you need.

It also mentions the best weapons you should use to help you survive for your close combat weapon it should be something that gives you distance such as a baseball bat this is good because it isn’t that heavy and it have to a lot of damage to somebody, you need distance because if they get to close your the zombies food.

It also talk about what type of guns you should use they yet again you need a long rang weapon because it will be better or you some people recommend  the M1903 Springfield because it has a long range and it is very powerful and accurate.

I liked this book because it just incase it does happened, but it wont, the survival part of it is cool because you can read many different ways to survive if it did happen.

The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead  

Max Brooks

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