Monday, February 28, 2011

How to Survive Falling Overboard While White Water Canoeing

How to Survive Falling Overboard While White Water Canoeing By: Isaiah David

Rating **

This article did not give enough information. It only gave the obvious things to do like keep your feet up, wear a life jacket, and don’t panic etc. It didn’t give you any “what ifs” and didn’t go too deep into the information.

The article started off by explaining how you should wear proper gear to protect you from rocks and anything you might bump into. The second step is if you do fall out of your canoe. Don’t panic and keep swimming. Keep your feet up so you can push your self off any in coming rocks and so they don’t get caught in or under any rocks. Stay with your canoe, never stay under it and you can keep hold of it on the side. Once you get to the bottom of the rapids get your canoe and check if any of your equipment or gear fell out. Before going into the rapids you should check if all equipment and gear is tied down so they have no chance of getting loose and losing it.

This article was alright, it could have had a lot more information in it but it had the basics to keep you a float and safe when going down rapids with a canoe.

Posted by Will

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