Friday, March 9, 2012

Thinking of not wearing your helmet? Think again. A father's story

Thinking of not wearing your helmet? Think again. A father's story
by Gord Keen.
This article is about a boy named Alex getting hit by a car and how his helmet saved his life.  He came home after work and decided to go for on last training ride. His father made sure he knew the route he was taking and had his cellphone. Later that night they got a phone call from a man that had hit him. They were on the side of the road. It was a minor accident. The ambulance was called and he was brought to the hospital. The father was there before the ambulance and Alex was covered in blood. The father had some very disturbing descriptions of the sceen. Alex had a serious concussion and a broken nose. His helmet looked as if it was run over by a bus. Without this helmet Alex would have died. The driver was cherged with "failure to yeild to traffic on a through highway".

  By reading this article I have learned that helmets really do save lives. I already knew that, but with an actual story about someone whose life it has saved makes me believe it even more. If this boy was not wearing this protective gear he would have died that day. It affects me because sometimes I don't want to wear a helmet but my parents enforce that rule very strictly, and now I understand why. I will always wear a helmet.

Keen, Gord"Thinking of not wearing your helmet? Think again. A father's story. Roger Bird. Ottawa Outdoors. Dave Brown. Summer/Fall 2008. page20.

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