Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fire or ice: How to know when to apply heat or ice to a sporting injury

Rating: ***

If you're someone that likes sports and tends to get injured, it will be helpful to know how to treat the injuries. This article would be helpful to people like that.

This article explains types of injuries you should apply heat to, and types you should apply ice to. The author explains that when you have chronic pain, subtle and slow pain that worsens, you should apply heat (by heat pack). When you have acute pain, swift, sudden, and sharp pain, you should apply ice immediately. Another interesting fact that caught my eye is if the injury is swollen, use heat.

This article made me think about what would happen if i got injured while doing any sort of sport. I usually would think just to put ice on it. But now, I know when to apply heat, and when to apply ice.

I would recommend this article to anyone. I think it would be useful for everyone. "Fire or ice: How to know when to apply heat or ice to a sporting injury". ottawaoutdoors_Fall 2012. Print.

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