Saturday, December 13, 2014

How to Spot Animals in the Wild - Patrick Walshe

How to Spot Animals in the Wild
by Patrick Walshe
posted on eartheasy in August 27 2013

Patrick Walshe’s article “How to spot animals in the wild” is a detailed and well structured guide to find and watch animals in the wild. It informs the reader about 7 important points you have to consider if you are looking for wild animals in their natural habitat. The article is supported by different photos which clarify what the author means and help the reader to memorize it.
Through the article the author gives different examples, for instance he says “consider the time of day and year” and reminds you that searching for bears in winter would be a waste of time, but therefor winter is a great opportunity to find animals by their tracks in the snow.

I really liked the article and enjoyed reading it. The author convinced me that he definitely knows what he is talking about and since I read the article I think that it will be easier for me to find what I am looking for when I am in the outdoors. The article reminded me that it is important to keep your distance from the wildlife while watching it. Also it taught me that listening to the other wildlife around you can give you hints, for example when they sound a warning cry because a predator is approaching. After reading this article I really want to go out on my own to try if I even might be able get to watch some animals.

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