Sunday, June 14, 2015

Adventure Racing Basics

Adventure Racing Basics
Jack Crawford
Rating: * *
There are always plenty of things to do in the wild, different ways to challenge yourself, and new things to discover. However sometimes you can do all of it at one; let me introduce you to adventure racing. One of the most challenging, longest events you may ever endure.
The article explains some  of the basics that you need to know in order to start adventure racing on your own time. It helps quantify how much experience you need in order to do the different distances and standard types of adventure racing. The guide doesn’t go very in depth into completing it, but is helpful for someone like me that knows very little about adventure racing. The article explains it all in day increments, a short race, a one day race, a two day, and finally a multi day race.
The article was a fairly boring read, but sometimes really helps to show just how much work can go into preparing and dealing with adventure racing. Things that I have never even considered. The whole experience of adventure racing seems interesting and extremely challenging. Requiring more skills and thought that I had originally considered. It’s an experience that I would definitely consider trying sometime soon. A good way to connect with friends and a good challenge for anyone willing to work towards it. The article did help me in that sense, also to show how easy it would be to get started and join the community. Teaching me that the best way to learn would be to start, and just give it a try. The article is positive and also gives small and vague information. However this information is simply the only important and valuable info that you need. It keeps the essentials and cuts out the rest.

Adventure sports online, Adventure Racing and how to get started. July 2014

Written By, J. Crawford, Retrieved June 2015

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