Sunday, June 14, 2015

Wilderness Leadership—on the Job


I enjoyed this article. It was a good story about how leadership. I think it will help a lot for people like me who need to work on their leadership and to start leading in a proper way.

Tori Murden  McClure is an amazing athlete who goes on many expeditions. She and other people have been in crises that leadership in reacquired. McClure mentions some of her first times going on trips and not being very prepared. Not setting a certain kind of rule or not knowing your group is a big problem, which Tori has had before. Although, these crises have taught McClure how to become a great leader. She learned five key principles practice leadership, lead from everywhere, behave well, keep calm, and disconnect to connect. This should apply directly to today’s business world. This article really emphasises how to become a leader anywhere. They talk about being a manager you sometimes have to let others do the work as well and lead if they need it. This will help make more leaders, which they believe we need more of in the world.

I think this article really showed how to be a leader and really put it into detail on what to do in certain situations. They say that not everyone is able to go out and lead in the wilderness, but the article really helps people who need to in the real world and I think everyone needs to learn. Although it was very helpful I feel like it was a little too long. There were many times where they would repeat themselves excessively, but other than that it was a educational read and I would recommend.

Harvard Business Review,. 'Wilderness Leadership—On The Job'. N.p., 2012. Web. 14 June 2015

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